New Build Housing
Around 65% our business is New Build Housing predominantly working from large National house builders with sites from 50 – 500 properties, we have Public Liability of 5m & Employers liability of 10m & Professional Indemnity insurance of 10m to cover this aspect of works
New Build Social Housing
Around 35% of our business is new build social housing, we work closely with the local authorities or main contractors to deliver these housing schemes to help keep the Uks most deprived families, we have Public Liability of 5m & Employers liability of 10m & Professional Indemnity insurance of 10m to cover this aspect of works
We have an in house CAD design team that can fully design the Mechanical & Electrical systems to the current building regulation and Code for sustainable homes, we have Professional Indemnity insurance of 10m to cover this aspect of works
Under Floor Heating
We offer a number of “Wet” UFH options that cover existing properties and new build for more information see link to
Boiler Servicing
We install around 400 boilers a year & offer servicing packages to our customers, its very important that your boilers & cylinders are serviced each year or the manufacturer warranty will become invalid.